Responsible Gaming at Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati

Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati is committed to promoting responsible gaming and ensuring that all of our guests are gambling for the right reason – to simply have fun. Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati only seeks individuals who gamble responsibly to play at our casinos. For those who are not able to do so because of a compulsive gambling, Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati offers resources and support.

How Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati Promotes Responsible Gaming

As a provider of entertainment that can become problematic, Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati does their best to provide all guests and team members the requisite information regarding support, treatment, and assistance programs available. To further this objective, Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati promotes responsible gaming through a variety of approaches, including educating our team members, publishing information on available resources, serving alcohol responsibly, monitoring vigilantly to prevent underage gambling, advertising responsibly, and supporting responsible gaming research.

In various jurisdictions, Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati also supports restriction and exclusion opportunities for guests who believe they may need assistance. Additionally, self-restriction programs allow guests to formally request revocation of specific services or privileges, such as credit, check cashing, or receipt of direct mail marketing or promotional materials.

Since problem gambling may affect those on the other side of the game, Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati also provides confidential, no-cost counseling to our team members through the Team Member Assistance Program.

Warning Signs of Problem Gaming

The following represent some of the common warning signs that an individual may have a problem gambling and should seek advice:

  • Betting more than you can afford to lose;
  • Gambling often until your last dollar is gone;
  • Gambling to win money to solve financial problems;
  • Feeling unable to stop gambling, regardless of winning or losing;
  • Neglecting relationships with family and friends because of gambling; and
  • Missing work because of gambling.

Helplines and Other Resources

It is important to remember that problem gambling is an illness that can strike anyone no matter their background, but it can be treated. If you believe you have a problem with gambling (or you know someone who does), you can contact one of the assistance organizations listed below for additional information. These helplines are strictly confidential, available 24-hours a day, and can provide assistance:

Gam-Anon International

National Council on Problem Gambling

Ohio Problem Gambling Helpline

Additionally, the Harvard Medical School offers a comprehensive support guide that can help you understand gambling, decide if you need to change, and assist you in dealing with the actual process. This guide can be found here: Harvard Medical School’s “Gambling – Your First Step to Change.


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